The name game

Hirtopolis has a new citizen named Zoe. When registering her birth, I was amused to find strict naming requirements:

  • must consist only of the letters “a” to “z”, hyphens and apostrophes
  • may include accents as long as they are found in French (so ç and ý are okay, but not ã or ÿ)
  • “if the mother or father or both have a hyphenated or combined surname, only one of the names in that surname or those surnames must be used” (so no John Doe-Smith-Buchanan-Fredericks)

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How far I’ve come

Just stumbled upon this story, composed during my high school days. Seemed appropriate to share given our own upcoming addition to the family…


At one point during my youth, our family lived in the quaint community of Oak Bay, New Brunwick. Continue reading “How far I’ve come”